Emanuele: +46% in a Year with the Unger Method - Great Work-Trading Balance

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How significant is "available time" in systematic trading? Emanuele shares his experience, turning a limitation—limited time—into an opportunity to carve his path in trading.

Emanuele transitioned from analyzing charts in his spare time to letting algorithms handle his trading while he focuses on his job.

Not only did he master this shift, but he also did so profitably, closing 2023 with an impressive +46%!

If you're curious about how he achieved this, you won't want to miss this interview.

Watch now to discover:
• Why he chose Unger Academy®
• The most helpful parts of our training program
• The secret to his successful trading
• His advice for all aspiring traders

Enjoy the interview!


Who is Emanuele

Hi everyone, today I'm thrilled to be here with Emanuele, a successful student from Unger Academy. Emanuele achieved over 40% in 2023 with a somehow limited capital, and he's here today to share with us some of his experience with trading and our training program. Hi Emanuele, how are you?

Hi! I’m good, thank you.

Great, I'm delighted to have you here with us today. So, let's start. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, your job, and what you do in life?

Yes, well, I work as an employee in a private company in the mechanical engineering sector, specifically in the technical part, so I make 3D CAD drawings, and also quality management for the company.

Wow, that sounds pretty demanding!

Yes, it's very challenging. Plus, I'm out all day and I also have little time. So yes, it's quite demanding.

Challenges he faced before joining Unger Academy

I understand. And what challenges did you face before joining our program?

Well, to properly answer this question, I'd like to share something about myself. So, I like the markets because I think the dynamics we sometimes hear about, for example, on the news, reflect human nature in some ways.
For instance, seasonality, that is, the repetition of actions at certain intervals, or the emotional reaction to an unexpected event... All of this intrigued me, fascinated me. And these were the reasons I started to do discretionary trading.
However, to trade.. let’s say “correctly” with that approach, you need time to spend in front of the charts. You often have to make decisions when the markets are open and the prices are fluctuating, and you need to do that based on analyses that you believe are right at that moment, but maybe they’re not. So all these things need to be done well, even when we're not emotionally or physically at our best.
And perhaps it was these very aspects that made life as a discretionary trading a bit hard for me. I mean, I work full-time and I had a lot of trouble doing everything and, in reality, I just couldn't manage it, it was a real disaster.

Yes, even if you check things during breaks or in the evening, you never really find the time to keep up with everything.

It’s very hectic: no matter how much I tried to plan things, saying “I’ll do this if it goes up…” and the like, actually, it always was a bit of a mess.

Why he chose our training program

And what made you choose our program over others available on the market?

Well, when I was in this sort of limbo, I started researching to solve my problem because I didn't want to give up on my passion for trading. So, for a few months, I used a program to create algorithms that allowed me to trade automatically in the markets. I thoroughly studied the program's manual, tried to copy what I saw in videos, including what I saw in Unger Academy youtube videos as well and on other channels too.
However, later on, I realized there were many limitations in the program I was using. Also, I came to see that the automated trading is a very complex subject, in the sense that it is something I couldn't continue doing on my own. I mean, I had no doubts about my abilities, but rather about the time it would take me to reach an adequate level to become somewhat proficient, let's say.
So, after seeing some advertisements about the training program, on various channels, of this Unger Academy program, and after speaking with some traders, I realized it was time to make the right decision, and I decided to take it on March 1st, 2023.


Almost exactly a year ago.

What helped him the most in the program

Ah, true, happy anniversary! And is there any particular aspect of our program that helped you more than others?

Ah, several, because the program is really comprehensive. Like a cooking recipe, it tells you which ingredients to use, what tools, and even where to buy them. The Unger Method explains the logic behind the code construction, but the program in its entirety also explains how to create the infrastructure to trade, like which servers to use, which software, etc.
Moreover, the support and the coaching calls are also elements that make a difference compared to other courses. Then, there are also Andrea Unger's extraordinary wins at the championships, and these contributed to making the decision because that day, when I decided, it seemed logical to take lessons from him who has won rather than from others.

His achievements and how his life has changed

Of course, of course. And after implementing what you learned in the program, what results have you achieved?

I ended the year 2023 with exactly a 46% return. It wasn't a full year, because I started on March 1st and went live after a couple of months, let's say.

Wow, that’s impressive, great job!

Thanks! Yes, I honestly didn't expect such a positive result. Even with some ups and downs, of course.

Yes! And how has your life changed after achieving these results, both financially and in terms of awareness?

Well, it hasn't changed much, I mean, I’m still doing the same job as before! But this result I achieved at the end of the year really gratified me. I felt happy because I managed to find the right way to trade in the markets, and in this sense, my life has changed a lot.
That is, I manage to work as an employee and trade in the markets in parallel because the algorithms do it for me. In a sense, I feel I'm on the right path to protect and grow my capital over time, because that's my real goal.

I’m really – oh, well, we are all really pleased to hear that. Definitely! And where do you think you’d be now if you hadn't decided to join our program?

Well, it's hard to tell. But for sure I definitely wouldn't have continued on my own. Maybe I would have chosen another course, but who knows with what results—I could be at a loss or a gain; I really can't say.

Certainly with much more struggle, that's for sure.

Yes, yes, absolutely. I mean, finding you was also a bit of luck, let's say that plain.

Emanuele's advice for aspiring traders

A match made in Heaven, as they say. Alright, so, to wrap up, what would you say to those watching this interview and maybe considering whether or not to join our program?

I recommend following this training program because you'll find all the necessary tools and resources to succeed. My advice is not to start the program with the sole motivation of getting rich quickly. I'm not saying the program doesn't allow it. Actually, I've seen great performances by other traders. You have many on your YouTube channel. But the point is, haste doesn't help those starting from scratch.
So take all the time you need to understand this subject because it's as complex as a specialization in medicine. There are endless subtleties. Also, don't do a lot of paper trading, but rather start with a small account for a more peaceful practice, kind of like I did. Because I started right away but with limited capital.
And my last but not least advice is... you have to be passionate about this subject; otherwise, you'll quickly tire of it. And do everything professionally, even if you won't make trading your true profession.

Okay. Thank you so much, Emanuele, this was very insightful. Again, we're all happy about your success and hope it continues.

Thank you.

We wish you happy trading, as always, and goodbye to everyone. Bye-bye!


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Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger here and I help retail traders to improve their trading, scientifically. I went from being a cog in the machine in a multinational company to the only 4-Time World Trading Champion in a little more than 10 years.

I've been a professional trader since 2001 and in 2008 I became World Champion using just 4 automated trading systems. 

In 2015 I founded Unger Academy, where I teach my method of developing effecting trading strategies: a scientific, replicable and universal method, based on numbers and statistics, not hunches, which led me and my students to become Champions again and again.

Now I'm here to help you learn how to develop your own strategies, autonomously. This channel will help you improve your trading, know the markets better, and apply the scientific method to financial markets.

Becoming a trader is harder than you think, but if you have passion, will, and sufficient capital, you'll learn how to code and develop effective strategies, manage risk, and diversify a portfolio of trading systems to greatly improve your chances of becoming successful.