+120% in 6 Months of Trading with the Unger Method: Giuseppe’s Extraordinary Story

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What if we told you that consistent study and emotional management could lead to a +120% return in just 6 months? No, this isn’t a fantasy—it’s the true story of Giuseppe, a student at our Academy.

New traders often face two major hurdles on their path to becoming successful: continuous, structured learning and managing emotions.

The excitement of good times and the discouragement during tough ones can be incredibly challenging to handle, but mastering this is crucial to avoid impulsive decisions.

Years ago, Giuseppe had only one trading experience, which left him deeply disappointed for these very reasons.

So, how did he rebuild his trust and turn the situation around?

Here’s a little hint: the method. Learning a method can open unexpected doors and transform obstacles into opportunities.

In today’s interview, you’ll discover:
•How Giuseppe achieved his results;
•How the Unger Method was essential in transforming his trading experience;
•The key aspects that helped him the most along the way.

Enjoy the interview! 😎



Hi, everybody! Welcome to another interview with one of our successful students, Giuseppe. After joining the Unger Academy, in just nine months, Giuseppe achieved an impressive 120% increase. Great job, Giuseppe! Let’s learn more about his journey and what made the difference for him. Hi, Giuseppe! How are you doing today?

Hi, Chelsi! I’m doing well! How about you?

I’m great, thanks! So, let’s get started with the first question. Tell us a little about yourself—what do you do for a living?

What does Giuseppe do for a living?

I’m an engineer and work as a manager in a commercial tech company. I deal with technology and IT, but I want to emphasize that I don’t have programming skills—and I think this is something important to note for the context of this interview. Basically, I have no background in programming. My job is quite demanding and it does take up most of my time, so like many people, I can’t spend the whole day in front of a computer monitoring markets and strategies. These are tasks I manage to do in the evenings or over the weekends. That’s why this trading method has been a huge help for me.

What challenges did he face before joining Unger Academy?

Excellent. What challenges were you facing before joining our program?

Honestly, I wasn’t doing much at all. I had some experience years ago and made a few attempts at discretionary trading. Fortunately for me, I risked only a small amount of capital.
I eventually stopped because, aside from a few minor wins—which I now attribute more to sheer luck than skill or knowledge and awareness about what I was doing—I lost most of the little capital I had allocated. The main issue was that my decisions, such as buying or selling, were heavily influenced by those emotions that inevitably come into play when trading.
They can be both positive and negative. It can be the euphoria of success or the discouragement of losses. These emotions, these feelings, led me to make poor decisions in most of my activities as a trader. I believe that emotional influence was my greatest limitation and the reason I ultimately gave up trading.

I imagine many traders face the same challenges!

Yes, I think so too.

Why did Giuseppe choose Unger Academy's program?

What made you choose our program over others you can find on the market?

I stumbled upon Andrea Unger's program almost by accident. I saw an ad for his book, which piqued my curiosity, so I ordered it. After carefully reading it, I was genuinely intrigued by this world of systematic trading.
Of course, I did my due diligence—there are countless programs online, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But after some research, I found Andrea Unger to be a trustworthy and credible figure. He’s been featured in interviews with respected media outlets, which reinforced my confidence in his legitimacy and made me trust him.
What truly stood out was his honesty. He doesn’t promise quick riches or effortless results. Instead, he emphasizes that success requires hard work, study, and a clear understanding of the risks involved in trading. This transparency set him apart from the countless “get-rich-quick” schemes I had encountered, which promise to turn €5,000 into €50,000 in a few months without even lifting a finger. So, let’s say that I found this approach refreshing and grounded. After reading his book, I scheduled a consultation with one of his advisors. The clarity and professionalism in that conversation convinced me to take the plunge and join the program.

What helped him the most during the program?

Ok. And was there something specific in our program that significantly helped you?

Yes, as I mentioned earlier, my main issue was managing the emotional aspect of trading. I'm a highly rational person, so I found two key elements in this method that were incredibly beneficial to me.
First, it completely eliminates the emotional component from trading because everything is based on numbers and statistics. It's a system that, once set up, runs automatically without requiring manual intervention.
Second, it gave me confidence. As a rational person, I appreciate that the method relies on historical data and statistics. Essentially—and I don’t mean to oversimplify—it’s a statistical approach that analyzes past market data over a defined period and uses that information to make informed trading decisions.
So, these are the two aspects that made me lean towards this method and, most importantly, gave me confidence in its reliability. Of course, it’s not 100% foolproof, but it provides an excellent foundation and a solid guide for the work I do.

Andrea often says there’s no magic wand in trading, but awareness takes us far.


What results did he achieve after applying the Unger Method?

After applying what you’ve learned, what kind of results have you achieved?

Well, after an intense initial study phase where I focused exclusively on learning for about one or two months, I started running small tests with a very small amount of capital and two or three strategies. I ran these live tests to see how things worked, and to get more familiar and confident with the tools.
Then, I’ve been doing serious trading for about six months now. I can say I’ve completed six months of consistent live trading, using a slightly larger but still modest amount of capital. In these six months, I achieved roughly a 120% gain—essentially more than doubling my initial capital.
Of course, there are drawdowns, good periods, and less favorable ones. It’s like a rubber band—you stretch it up, and then it pulls back slightly. However, over the medium-to-long term, this “rubber band effect” leads to profits. That said, it’s still too early to draw definitive conclusions. I’ve decided to wait a year before making any big assessments, but so far, I’m happy with my progress.

So, six months and 120%… right?

120% in six months, yes.

Okay, okay. Great job! I hope you can keep this up through the future!


How has his life changed since achieving these results?

How has your life changed since you’ve achieved these results?

Practically speaking, my life hasn’t really changed. I still have to work to make a living, and I keep doing the same things I did before. What’s great is that I’ve gained a new hobby—something I’m passionate about, something I enjoy and find fulfilling—and I even manage to earn some money from it.
Who knows? I mean, I’ve only been doing this for six months, so it’s too early to say. But in the future, it could turn into something more serious. For now, I’m happy to just have fun with it because it fuels my passion.
What I’m most proud of is how much knowledge and skill I’ve gained compared to when I was almost blindly navigating the markets. I’ve also become much more aware of the risks involved in trading. At the same time, I’ve learned methods and strategies to manage these risks effectively, especially when it comes to protecting my initial capital. As Andrea always says, preserving your capital is crucial because it allows you to recover and keep going when things take a turn for the worse. Without that, you’re out of the game.

Where would Giuseppe be if he hadn’t discovered Unger Academy and automated trading?

Exactly. Where do you think you’d be now if you hadn’t decided to join our program?

I definitely wouldn’t be trading—that’s for sure. After the losses I suffered a few years ago, I lost confidence. More importantly, I felt I didn’t have the tools to trade in a meaningful or positive way. Without those, there was no point. So, without this program, I wouldn’t be trading at all.

Yeah, it must be a bit disheartening, right?

It really is.

Giuseppe’s advice for those unsure about joining Unger Academy

What would you say to someone watching this interview who is still unsure about joining the program?

I’d tell them that if they’re genuinely interested in the topic—if it excites and motivates them—and they’re willing to study a lot, because as Andrea always says, there’s a lot to learn, then this method is ideal. It provides everything you need to achieve something great, provided you're also ready to take some risks. It’s a method that guides you from zero. Even if you know absolutely nothing, it starts you off with the basics, explaining everything from opening accounts to configuring software. Within eight weeks—because that’s how long my program lasted—I was live trading and fully self-sufficient.
Of course, as I mentioned earlier, this is just the beginning. There’s still so much to learn, and trading is a continuous journey. You always need to create new strategies and keep up with market changes since strategies that worked last year may no longer work today. That’s why I wholeheartedly recommend this program.
However, if someone is looking for a quick way to make money without effort, I’d say this isn’t the right path simply because I don’t think such a thing exists. This program does come with a cost, but I find it fair, especially because you can quickly recover that cost if you do well. Personally, within just two or three months, I had already earned back the initial investment. So, in my opinion, it’s absolutely worth it.

That’s great, Giuseppe! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us.

Thank you!

I wish you continued success in reaching new heights, just as you have so far. Thank you so much, Giuseppe!

Thank you, Chelsi. Take care, and thank you everyone!

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Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger here and I help retail traders to improve their trading, scientifically. I went from being a cog in the machine in a multinational company to the only 4-Time World Trading Champion in a little more than 10 years.

I've been a professional trader since 2001 and in 2008 I became World Champion using just 4 automated trading systems. 

In 2015 I founded Unger Academy, where I teach my method of developing effecting trading strategies: a scientific, replicable and universal method, based on numbers and statistics, not hunches, which led me and my students to become Champions again and again.

Now I'm here to help you learn how to develop your own strategies, autonomously. This channel will help you improve your trading, know the markets better, and apply the scientific method to financial markets.

Becoming a trader is harder than you think, but if you have passion, will, and sufficient capital, you'll learn how to code and develop effective strategies, manage risk, and diversify a portfolio of trading systems to greatly improve your chances of becoming successful.