From Struggling Discretionary Trader to Trader of the Month: Giuseppe, +46% Yield

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Poor profitability, the need to spend many hours in front of charts, and emotional conditioning are among the most common problems of discretionary traders.

When he signed up for our training, Giuseppe sought a solution to these problems.

In today's interview, Giuseppe tells how, thanks to our scientific and reproducible method, he improved his trading performance by reducing emotional conditioning to almost zero and limiting his time at the PC.

In addition, he also won the title of Trader of the Month for March 2023 with a great performance: €12,605 profit and a fantastic return of +46%!

Would you like to learn more about Giuseppe's experience with our training program?

Then don't miss today's interview!

By watching the video, you'll discover:
-Giuseppe's struggles with discretionary trading
-What helped him the most on our training journey
-How his life has changed after completing the program
-His advice to anyone who wants to become a trader

Enjoy the video!



Hey everyone! Today I'm here with Giuseppe, a student who became Trader of the Month for March with a performance of +46%. Hey Giuseppe, how are you doing?

Hi, nice to meet you. Good afternoon. Hi Chelsi. I'm very well, thanks.

I'm so glad you are here. First, I'd like you to tell us a little about yourself, what you do, your profession and your hobbies.

Who is Giuseppe and how did his journey in the world of trading begin?

Ok. My name is Giuseppe. I live in Rome and am an electronics engineer. I deal with satellite-based telecommunication systems, and in my free time, I cultivate several passions, including trading. That's the reason why we are here together today.

The problems he had before joining our program

Great. So what problem did you have before you joined our program?

Well, to summarize, I had, let's say, 3 different problems. The first problem was low profitability, namely, a relatively flat equity line, and a couple of gains but, prevalently, several significant losses. That's the first problem.

The second problem was the need to be constantly in front of the screen analyzing charts, and then making decisions based on, let's say, my knowledge, which was based solely on technical analysis.

And it was at that time, that I was forced to make decisions in real-time in an environment that was certainly not comfortable because in a tumultuous market situation that probably isn’t the best thing to do.

So that was the second problem. And the third problem was coming to terms with my emotions regarding these decisions and the actions to be taken.

So you know, also the psychological conditioning in case the choice wasn’t the best, let's say.

Basically, those 3 issues somehow haunted my life as a trader.

So, based on what you are saying, I suppose you had a more discretionary approach, right?

Yes, absolutely. It was a discretionary approach, so it was based on the concepts of technical analysis. However, over time, sort of out of professional bias and because of how I tend to approach situations, I felt the need to set aside the discretion and embrace a method that is replicable as well as independent of my emotions.

And that's the reason why I searched on the Internet, and finally discovered the Unger Academy.

Why did he choose our program among the many available in the market?

Ok. And what made you choose our program among the many other programs available on the market?

Well, as I said, the choice was pretty straightforward for the following reasons.

Basically, for two reasons. One, I was looking for precisely what the Unger Academy could offer me.

I wanted to get away from the discretionary approach, as I mentioned earlier. So, I wanted a method that was reproducible. Before I came to the Unger Academy, just to be clear, I had developed a software program that I could use to analyze my ideas and test them. It was based on technical analysis, but it was something that would somehow automate my ideas.

That prompted me to research the Internet because I wanted to find out who is the most knowledgeable person, or guru let's say, in this specific field. And well, you know, there is nothing like Andrea Unger's resume.

So, from the first contact with the Unger Academy, there was this immediate bond of trust. So, I dove headlong into studying. And I was sure that... Well, if not to succeed, I was sure at least that I had definitely found a well-structured training program.

What has helped him the most in the program?

Cool! And is there anything in our program that really helped you?

Oh, yes, several things. The first is that these concepts are, let's say… they are technical, in the sense that they are based on something scientific, and that is something that fits very well with the way I work, even in the context of my work, so I fully embraced this idea.

After that, the extent and the scope of the training program, which covers every detail. It's no coincidence that the tagline is "Trader from Zero to Professional," and that's somewhat true. It’s truly a comprehensive program.

And then there's also the fact that a student is never left alone. Because there's a dense network of very professional and trained coaches who, in addition to the weekly meetings, let's say, offer their assistance almost around the clock, even on social channels like Facebook.

So whatever doubt you have... you'll never find yourself alone. And this is a crucial point. At the beginning, the student has to start dealing with things that aren’t very easy, so he needs to find his way in quite a tricky world. So the fact of being supported around the clock is an added value.

There's a strong sense of community here.

Yes, absolutely.

The results he has achieved

Very nice. And what were the results after you applied what you learned in the different modules of the program?

Yes, so, let's say, unlike my previous experience, I finally achieved a pretty nice equity curve.

I haven’t been live for very long, it's about five months, and let's say I’ve recorded maximum gains of 45-46%, obviously surrounded by drawdowns, which is something physiological in the life of a trader. However, the drawdown is entirely in line with what was expected, that is, what the tests showed. And let's say this is very encouraging because it helps you believe in this method. So, I have to say that so far, I'm very satisfied.

Excellent, thank you very much. So how has your life changed since you achieved this, both economically and in terms of your awareness?

Well, it has changed for the better for several reasons. The first reason is that there is a certain satisfaction when you see the first results, and that's good.

But the most important thing is that I'm no longer forced, as I said, to sit in front of the PC and frantically analyze charts and make decisions that, in most cases, turned out to be not so positive.

Now I don't have any emotional conditioning in my decisions. So even from a psychological perspective, I found a great advantage.

This doesn't mean that you don't have to sit in front of the PC because, of course, the program requires intensive learning. And so, you still have to spend time in front of the PC to study.

But it's work that doesn't need to be done in real-time on the markets. You can do it in back office, let's say.

You have to find the time to spend on it, but it's a very different situation than being forced to look at the performance of a certain stock to make a decision that you hope will be the right one but then, in most cases, it won't be, at least in my case.

A huge difference. In time, energy, and everything.

Yes. The biggest advantage, let's say, apart from the satisfaction of seeing the results, is the peace of mind, the psychological conditioning that is reduced to almost 0.


Yes, absolutely.

And where do you think you would you be now if you hadn't chosen our program?

Uh, well, good question. At best, I would have decided to stop this activity and maybe avoid other negative results.

Also, at least in my experience, the psychological conditioning that I experienced in trading was quite challenging.

At worst, though, I might have continued to record events that didn't quite meet my expectations.

But about this, as I said in the beginning, it was my very goal, in the sense that I really wanted to get away from this condition, so much so that, as I explained, I set up tools that allowed me to approach this issue.

And then I found in the Academy the best experts in the field, so everything was much easier.

Giuseppe's advice to those who want to become traders

Nice. Finally, I'd like to ask what you would say to those watching this interview who may be undecided about joining the program.

Ok. Well, I believe in it all the way because, in my experience, it's a comprehensive and detailed program in all areas.

And I say that with sincerity because I am often the first to criticize programs proposed to me that may not be exhaustive, and so I tend to be very suspicious, but I have to say that this was not the case.

It's a comprehensive program and an Academy full of knowledgeable people who guide students throughout their journey.

And in that, I found a great added value. So wholly believe in it. Of course, study, because the Academy isn’t out to sell signals, so the whole thing is not so simple and easy. But the price you have to pay is to study.

But let's say that that study is rewarded with great satisfaction.

And then, hey, you take it easy, I mean, don't be in an excessive hurry to go live.

At least that's been my way, so maybe try to take the time you need and study all the theory well. Also because I think that this is not a short-term investment. It's an investment for life.

So, starting a few months later doesn't do anything, but it increases the probability that it will work out.

Awesome! Alright, thank you very much, Giuseppe, for taking the time, and I wish you happy trading!

Thank you very much!

Thanks so much, Giuseppe!

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Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger here and I help retail traders to improve their trading, scientifically. I went from being a cog in the machine in a multinational company to the only 4-Time World Trading Champion in a little more than 10 years.

I've been a professional trader since 2001 and in 2008 I became World Champion using just 4 automated trading systems. 

In 2015 I founded Unger Academy, where I teach my method of developing effecting trading strategies: a scientific, replicable and universal method, based on numbers and statistics, not hunches, which led me and my students to become Champions again and again.

Now I'm here to help you learn how to develop your own strategies, autonomously. This channel will help you improve your trading, know the markets better, and apply the scientific method to financial markets.

Becoming a trader is harder than you think, but if you have passion, will, and sufficient capital, you'll learn how to code and develop effective strategies, manage risk, and diversify a portfolio of trading systems to greatly improve your chances of becoming successful.