Trading Success Stories: Giovanni, +30% in 3 Months Live with the Unger Method

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How crucial is it to master emotional control in trading?

Meet Giovanni, a student at Unger Academy, who saw a +30% gain in just his first 3 months of live trading.

Giovanni, an electronic engineer by profession, believes that emotional control is one of the most important aspects of being a successful trader.

His secret? Staying consistent, disciplined, and keeping a cool head. These three pillars have been the foundation of his success.

Success in trading, like in life, doesn’t come without setbacks. However, long-term success belongs to those who rise above their losses rather than getting lost in their wins.

In today’s video, you'll learn:
•The steps Giovanni took to reach his goals
•How the Unger Academy community helped him along the way
•How he reaped the benefits of his learning journey

Enjoy the video! 😉



Hey everybody! Today, we’re chatting with Giovanni, one of our successful students from the Unger Academy. Giovanni’s been following our training program, and he’s already seeing the results of his hard work, with his portfolio growing quite impressively. So, let’s dive into his journey and learn how Unger Academy has been a turning point for him. Hey Giovanni, welcome! How are you?

Hi, thank you.

So Giovanni, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, and what you do for a living?

A peek into Giovanni’s career

Sure! I’m an electronics engineer, and I run a software company that develops custom apps and software for businesses. So, in a way, I’m like a “software tailor,” creating bespoke solutions for companies and professionals.
My journey into trading is a bit different from most people out there. You see, I didn’t start with traditional, discretionary trading. Instead, I jumped straight into algorithmic trading because of my IT background. The idea of merging my love for computing with trading really appealed to me. Plus, my son, who’s 20, is into trading, so that sparked my interest even more.
I came across Andrea Unger’s book—can’t remember if it was on Facebook—but it really stood out. Not just because he’s a four-time World Champion, but because of how humble and down-to-earth he is despite all his success. That really struck a chord with me, so I decided to jump in.

That’s awesome. What challenges or struggles were you facing before you joined our program?

The struggles Giovanni faced before joining the program

Honestly, I wasn’t facing any huge challenges. It was more curiosity that pulled me into the world of trading, especially algorithmic trading. And the clear and thorough educational materials from Andrea and the other coaches just kept me hooked.
Of course, there were difficulties—that’s normal, especially when you start trading live. There’s a big difference between theory and real trading. Let me emphasize this—people think only discretionary traders struggle with emotions, but even algo traders go through it. As Andrea says, when drawdowns hit, you get that “gut-wrenching” feeling. Managing that is crucial; it’s not just technical, it’s psychological too.

You have to manage both your emotions and the systems you’re running.


So, what made you choose our program over the other options available on the market?

What drove Giovanni to choose Unger Academy?

What drove me was the desire to complete my education as a trader. Right now, I’m diving deeper into volatility and crypto, so there’s always something new to explore and opportunities to diversify. I think the key is being able to diversify and have multiple tools to work with.

Got it. So, was there a specific part of the program that made a big difference for you?

The standout program features that helped him the most

For me, the most important part was learning about position sizing. Andrea Unger is a true master at it, and it really makes a difference. Knowing how to enter a trade without going overboard when you’re feeling confident, or reacting impulsively after a loss, is crucial. You’ve got to stay calm—not just mentally but also by knowing the right approach for entering trades with the correct position size.
You really need to stay grounded and approach trading with the right mindset, while also knowing the technical side, like how to size your trades properly. Andrea always says, “The first rule is not to lose money,” and even though it sounds simple, it’s actually a lot harder than it seems.

Absolutely. And what kind of results have you seen since applying what you’ve learned?

The results Giovanni achieved after applying the method

So far, I’ve seen about a 30% gain. I’ve only been trading live for around three months, so I’m trying to stay grounded and not get ahead of myself. The rule is to stick to the method and not let emotions get in the way. For example, you can’t just close a position because you “feel” like the market’s turning or it’s the time to take the money home. You have to stay disciplined.
It’s important to let the system do its job. It’s like driving—when you need to slow down, you use the brakes properly, you don’t get out of the car and try to use your feet as brakes! It’s the same in trading—you have to let the system work without forcing it based on emotions.
It’s different from what a lot of people experience with discretionary trading and so on. It’s not that one is better or worse, it’s just a different approach. Personally, I prefer it, maybe because of my engineering background, I’m not sure. Plus, I’m really enjoying it and seeing some good results.

We’re really happy for you. How has your life changed since you started seeing these results?

How Giovanni’s day-to-day has changed since seeing these results

Well, since I’ve only been live for a short time, I’m still exploring. But one major change is the community surrounding Unger Academy. It’s great to connect with other students—some have more experience, some have less—and we share strategies and learn from one another. I can help those with less experience than me and learn from those with more experience than me. And that’s been really helpful.
It’s a bit like being in school or university—you have companions on the journey, both during the program and after. That’s really great because otherwise, you’re on your own. And sure, you can do amazing things on your own, but being part of a community really helps.
The coaches have also incredibly helpful. My coach, in particular, really helped me take the leap into live trading because I was scared to go live. I was hesitant but when you’re just using a demo account, it’s not the same.

Yes, and you’re not really making any profits until you go live, right?


And where do you think you’d be now if you hadn’t joined our program?

Honestly, in a way, I’d probably still be where I am now, because I run my own IT company, and I plan to keep doing that. But I’d love to put what I’ve learned to use—maybe even tap into my team’s IT expertise to develop some interesting strategies. So, I’m not entirely sure where I’d be or where I’m headed, but I’m happy with where I am right now. It’s a journey, and it’s been a great one—one I’d definitely recommend to anyone.

So, what would you say to someone watching this interview who’s still on the fence about joining our program?

Giovanni’s advice to those on the fence about joining the Unger Academy

I’d say it’s absolutely worth it because there’s a massive amount of information, and it’s all very practical. There’s a solid theoretical foundation, and the Unger Method is really interesting. But the key is to just dive in—because you’re not alone. You’ve got coaches supporting you every step of the way, plus a community of students that’s been a huge help for me personally.
You are part of a group, and there’s this strong sense of belonging, which is really nice. So, my advice is to go for it without hesitation. The results will come if you follow the method. The method works, but you have to apply it. What tends to trip people up—myself included, and many other students—is the fear of taking the leap or, on the flip side, getting overconfident and then getting hurt.

It’s great to have people help you keep your emotions in check.

Yeah, it’s definitely not easy to keep your emotions in check. For example, Unger Academy provides a great software called Strategy Checker, which is an amazing tool that gives you real-time updates on your live strategies, what’s happening overall, and you get notifications instantly. On the one hand, that’s great, but on the other hand, you’ve got to be careful. If you’re not, you can end up making emotional, discretionary decisions under pressure. You really need to be able to handle that kind of stress.

Yeah, exactly. Those notifications can really get to you sometimes...

What you really need to do is step back and say, “Okay, let’s review what’s happened, check everything out,” and do a full review. The Unger Method teaches all of this because it’s a system, and as a system, it has to be followed. Whether you like it or not doesn’t matter—it’s an effective method. I’ve seen the results from it, and keep in mind, I had no prior experience in trading at all.
What I did have was a background in software, which definitely helped when it came to developing strategies, but everything else, I learned from scratch. I think I’ve learned it pretty well, although you’re always growing. Honestly, I’ve just scratched the surface of the vast, amazing world of trading.
And there are so many things that you can explore at Unger Academy—like the program on options, the cracking volatility program—there’s just so much to explore, and it’s all really interesting.

Great! Alright, so thank you, Giovanni, for your time, and I hope we catch up soon!


Thank you.

Thank you!

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Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger here and I help retail traders to improve their trading, scientifically. I went from being a cog in the machine in a multinational company to the only 4-Time World Trading Champion in a little more than 10 years.

I've been a professional trader since 2001 and in 2008 I became World Champion using just 4 automated trading systems. 

In 2015 I founded Unger Academy, where I teach my method of developing effecting trading strategies: a scientific, replicable and universal method, based on numbers and statistics, not hunches, which led me and my students to become Champions again and again.

Now I'm here to help you learn how to develop your own strategies, autonomously. This channel will help you improve your trading, know the markets better, and apply the scientific method to financial markets.

Becoming a trader is harder than you think, but if you have passion, will, and sufficient capital, you'll learn how to code and develop effective strategies, manage risk, and diversify a portfolio of trading systems to greatly improve your chances of becoming successful.