Trading with €1,000: Source of Income or Just a Hobby?

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Can you trade with just $1,000?

Technically, yes. But a better question might be: Is it really worth trading with such a small amount?

The reality is, it largely depends on what you expect.

It all comes down to the goals you've set for yourself as a trader.

Are you looking to turn trading into your full-time career?

If so, your initial investments need to be strategically planned.

Or, is trading simply a hobby you’re passionate about?

There’s no universally "correct" answer—just the one that aligns with your unique situation and objectives.

In this video, we'll cover:
•Why at Unger Academy® we recommend starting with a specific minimum amount for trading
•What you can realistically expect when trading with a modest sum
•The key differences between trading and gambling, particularly in terms of risk, returns, and investment strategies

Enjoy the video! 😉


Can You Trade With Just $1000?

Trading with €1,000 or 1,000$? Who approaches the Unger Academy knows that normally we recommend at least 15 to 20K to trade. Just to make it reasonable, let's say, reasonable, considering what we declare as potential returns, reasonable returns in trading, where we say that a very good trader can aim at a 30% a year.

So, you can make your own math to understand that obviously with €1,000, you cannot achieve that much for your personal life.

Is It Worth Your Time And Effort?

But the point is that not always trading is considered the same way I consider it. I'm a professional trader. I trade for a living. So, obviously, I imagine capital put into trading as capital that must work for me.

It must be there to work for me today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow and I plan everything to limit losses in order to keep the capital at work all the time needed.

Let’s Rethink What Trading Really Means

There might be, of course, losses, drawdowns, but they all have to be not too large to impact the possibility of that capital to keep on working.

This is trading as a professional. The way I consider trading, the way I imagine we should trade, the way I plan, I've always in plan to teach in our Unger Academy.

I try to teach people to become professional traders. But there is another way to consider trading, hypothetically, and that is a sort of betting.

I mean, you put €1,000 into a trading operation and you are ready to lose them all. In exchange, you want to make a higher percentage. So, is it possible to make a 30% a month, risking all the money I put into this operation? Yes, it is. It is, absolutely.

When Does Trading Cross The Line Into Gambling?

The problem is that too many people face this kind of approach and willing of what really, they are risking. Yeah, they know they could lose all, but they don't consider it.

So, not considering it, they jeopardize their capital. Because if they can play with 1,000€, maybe somebody has a need of those 1,000 euros, they estimate it in a completely different way. They cannot afford losing them all.

So, they put them at risk, and they are not aware that they are risking all that money. Sort of a lottery ticket for a 1,000€. If you win, it's great. Not as great as the lottery in this case, because you will not make billions, but you lose everything if you lose.

So, in this way, it's another way to trade. I said, it's more betting than trading, but let's imagine we can call it trading. It's not trading for a living, it's trading for fun. It's different. It's possible.

The Key Is Awareness

I've never been teaching this; I've never taught this. Probably I have to reconsider my point of view because I see that there's a demand for this. But it's important that if I or anybody teaches different methods to trade this way, they also deploy the awareness of what the risks are, which is very important. Because if I'm not telling you what the risks are and I'm only telling you what the potential outcome is from a trade, then I'm absolutely misleading you.

Each Person Must Find Their Own Way

So, it's fine to aim at a 30% a month if you are conscious that you are putting at risk all the capital that you put into trading.

So, you can play with it because you want thrill, you want fun, you like it, you think that the odds are on your side. Everything is fine, but you have to be aware that that can be your last trade, if things go wrong.

Obviously, as I said, as a professional trader, I would never do that. I'm not playing with €1,000 because I see no need to do so and there are more amusing things.

And I'm not doing that kind of stuff with higher money, of course, because it would be crazy throwing the money out of a window, but people may be willing to learn how to do that, what to do. It's not like flipping a coin.

There are different odds, different statistics that help in making sort of decision. There are different instruments that allow to trade small and to aim high.

But remember, the point is always that you are betting, you are not trading, because from my point of view, trading means that you can go on going. Today, with the capital going on.

Why It’s Crucial To Understand The Risks

Here, you put everything at risk and maybe you are fine in losing all the money you put there, maybe not. Important is that you are aware of it.

I'm trying to do everything, creating the necessary awareness, explaining why people too often forget completely about the risks that are inside the things that they are doing.

They forget about the risk because they don't like to think about the bad occurrences. They don't like to think about losses.

Trading With $1000 Isn’t True Trading

They like only to dream about what's coming next. That could be fine, but obviously, a dream can become a nightmare. I don't want to flipper anybody. I'm just telling you, it's possible to trade with €1,000.

It's possible to trade in the conventional way, the way I imagine for a professional trader. In that case, it's more a hobby, of course, because as I said, the returns will never justify that as an activity, just for fun.

You Can, But Only If Your Expectations Are Realistic

Or you can use the same amount of money, a thousand euros, just to mention a number, in an activity which gambling, betting, things like that, where when things go wrong, you lose that money.

Well, perfect. Happy? Fine. I can teach you, but I will never promise you that you will become rich with it. It's just a different way to use money in the markets. Different instruments, different approach, different mindset. It's not trading as I intended for a professional trader.

That's why I never considered it. I'm making up my mind that it should be seen from a different perspective, fine, but I will always stress that risk is not the same, it's completely different.

If I see it in a different way, then you must promise that you see risk in a different right way, where in this case, risk means you can lose it all.

Maybe you write your comments here below so we can make sort of a discussion about that, your point of view. And if you get thrilled and you get fun in approaching the market this way, fine.

I know the techniques. I'd like to discuss about that. If you just thought it was a way to achieve richness, be careful because normally it doesn't work that way.

That's it, guys. Ciao from Andrea Unger

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Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger here and I help retail traders to improve their trading, scientifically. I went from being a cog in the machine in a multinational company to the only 4-Time World Trading Champion in a little more than 10 years.

I've been a professional trader since 2001 and in 2008 I became World Champion using just 4 automated trading systems. 

In 2015 I founded Unger Academy, where I teach my method of developing effecting trading strategies: a scientific, replicable and universal method, based on numbers and statistics, not hunches, which led me and my students to become Champions again and again.

Now I'm here to help you learn how to develop your own strategies, autonomously. This channel will help you improve your trading, know the markets better, and apply the scientific method to financial markets.

Becoming a trader is harder than you think, but if you have passion, will, and sufficient capital, you'll learn how to code and develop effective strategies, manage risk, and diversify a portfolio of trading systems to greatly improve your chances of becoming successful.