Unleashing New Trading Horizons: Omar’s Experience with Unger Academy

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Omar is a young guy with a passion for trading who works for the Public administration in the field of public works.

After realizing that discretionary trading wasn't for him (he didn't feel like "being completely dependent on what's going on, i.e. having to stand in front of the computer screen all the time and watch what's happening"), he discovered the Unger Method™ and joined the Unger Academy® training program.

In this interview, Omar tells us about his experience with trading and our program.
Watch it now to find out:
• Who Omar is and how he approached the Unger Academy®
• Why he chose our program
• What helped him most about our training program

Enjoy! 😉



Hello everyone! Today I'm here with Omar, a successful Unger Academy student, who wants to tell us about his experience with our training program. Hello Omar, how are you doing?

Hi, everyone.

Very good. First of all, I'd like you to tell us a little about yourself. What do you do and what are your hobbies?

Who is Omar and how did his journey in the world of trading begin?

Well, in addition to the trading side, I work for the public administration and in particular, in the public works field.

The problems he had before joining our program

Okay, and what problem did you have before you joined our program?

Well, basically, I had only approached trading from an educational standpoint because I wasn’t too fond of the fact that I was utterly dependent on what was happening.

In other words, that is, I had to sit in front of the computer screen all the time and watch what was happening on the charts.

And what drew me into the world of Unger Academy was the talk of algorithmic trading, which I knew absolutely nothing about, and which I ventured into precisely because of Andrea Unger's book.

Okay, so you had a discretionary approach initially?

Yes, let's say discretionary, just from the paper trading perspective, because I knew that I couldn't be there all the time to place order after order, especially during the American session, which in Italy occurs during the night.

Why did he choose our program among the many available in the market?

Ok, I understand. And why did you choose just our program and not another program?

So I chose your program because the fundamental difference with the other trainers was that behind the person of Andrea, there was a certainty that the others could not give, which was the certainty and the demonstrability that what he was explaining was something he had already demonstrated and of course, therefore, implemented.

What has helped him the most in the program?

Yes, and was there anything particular about the program that helped you more than anything else?

Well, I really liked the part of the programming module, I found it very useful and it really opened up a whole new world for me because I had never dealt with programming before, even though I am pretty good at computer science.

And so it showed me a different way of looking at things and breaking things down that I have never been exposed to before.

And what really impressed me most about the training was the simplicity of the steps, explaining it as simply as possible so that it's as straightforward as possible even for someone like me who has never looked deeper into finance.

I was also very impressed with the simplicity with which I was taught the concepts of Module 3, which is the Unger Method.

They opened up to me right away, and I didn't expect that. Honestly, I was quite intimidated before I started the very module that is the core of the course.

The results he has achieved

Ok, good. And after you applied what you learned in the program with the study that you did on the different modules, what were the results?

Let's say, I started more aggressive than the training program advised, and I learned to my cost that portfolio volatility is a very important element.

And especially in the last year, since the beginning of 2023, I turn to a slightly more cautious risk profile, and in fact, the results are much more positive.

Let's say I had proof that what they said during the program was actually the best choice from a risk profile perspective.

Ok, so a little bit of caution. Okay, so how has your life changed since you got your results, financially and in terms of your awareness?

Basically, it has opened up a whole new work scenario for me because I want to make this experience my only job.

Let's say that now my path is oriented to the trading world, so you know, I think we can say that the program really changed my perspectives. Maybe not today, but it's definitely in my future path.

And are you close to that goal yet?

I have the feeling that I am. I believe I have found a breakthrough in a landscape of opportunities that I don't think exist in Italy. Let's say that in this way, you can present and prove yourself without many recommendations. It's really just the numbers that count.

Cool, and where do you think you would be now if you had not chosen our program?

I probably would have continued not to evolve. I would have stayed with what I was doing before without furthering my education in that area because, as I said, I didn't know the computer part of trading from an algorithmic standpoint, and discretionary trading was not for me.

Omar's advice to those who want to become traders

Okay, thank you. Finally, I'd like to ask you what you would say to people who are watching this interview and maybe are still undecided whether to join the program or not.

In my opinion, you should try it out. Just try it out because you have nothing to lose. The training and the concepts that you learn have an all-round effect. They are valuable in any field, in finance as well as in life.

So I think sometimes it's not easy to get involved in something high level, with people working with someone who has backed up what they are saying with numbers.

So many people don't know what they're talking about, selling courses and stuff.

When I finally found something, and especially someone with concrete data to show, I said, "It's better to spend money on good training than on training from a nobody."

I totally agree! Thank you very much, Omar, for your time. And as I tell everyone I talk to: I wish you Happy trading!

Thank you so much!!!

Thank you very much, Omar!

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Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger

Andrea Unger here and I help retail traders to improve their trading, scientifically. I went from being a cog in the machine in a multinational company to the only 4-Time World Trading Champion in a little more than 10 years.

I've been a professional trader since 2001 and in 2008 I became World Champion using just 4 automated trading systems. 

In 2015 I founded Unger Academy, where I teach my method of developing effecting trading strategies: a scientific, replicable and universal method, based on numbers and statistics, not hunches, which led me and my students to become Champions again and again.

Now I'm here to help you learn how to develop your own strategies, autonomously. This channel will help you improve your trading, know the markets better, and apply the scientific method to financial markets.

Becoming a trader is harder than you think, but if you have passion, will, and sufficient capital, you'll learn how to code and develop effective strategies, manage risk, and diversify a portfolio of trading systems to greatly improve your chances of becoming successful.